It's been a decade since we started something which was told to last for roughly two weeks. A decade since I and eMiLioo revived this clan from an old game (CoD2) and started looking for potential members, started having clan-wars against the competing clans of the Hungarian SA:MP scene of that time.
We obviously haven't started as the strongest SA:MP clan ever (which we eventually became into, years later...) but we've always tried our best in winning and trying to win battles with Sawn-off and M4, A/D later on.
The moment SA:MP introduced skinhit, half our clan left the game forever and never came back. The remaining people started adapting to the new "standard" and eventually got used to all of the mess Kalcor has done with lag compensation.
We've also started to play multiple games like CS:GO, CoD4, CoD2 (again), GTA V etc, not necessarily on a competitive level but to have some fun with each other.
Once the last remaining Hungarian clan has also left the game forever, we've decided to kind of move on to try something new which led us to move on to the international clan war/deathmatch scene by playing on multiple Czech/English servers and getting to know people from all around the world.
As a result of moving on, we've successfully showed everyone who we are, we've got to know a lot of great people, friends, mates, enemies and so on.
We also got back to the clan war scene later in 2020, thanks to destiezk, TweaK and everyone else they introduced in our clan, making us the strongest clan of the current sawn-off scene, without a doubt. ( kindly request a clanwar to try clearing the doubts :) )
🎉 With this message, I would like to wish a happy birthday to this clan, community, club, whatever you call it. 🎂
Match #263 Opponent: RNT Date: 17.09.2023 Map: SF Airport Hitbox: SkinShot Server: Lineup of fSc: brock, Raaaven Lineup of RNT: deventh, NoVa
Už v prvom kole sme mali podozrenie že hráč z klanu RNT cheatuje, SAMPCAC mu vyhadzoval upozornenie na podozrivé hitboxy ale do 3 kola sme to ignorovali.Na konci druheho kola sme mali konflikt pretože hrači z RNT začali pisať že cheatujeme a odpojili sa, nakoniec sme sa dohodli že odohrajeme aj tretie kolo, po pripojení hráčov späť na server sme začali hrať aj tretie kolo v ktorom sme im davali len minimalne hity. Preto sme sa rozhodli že tretie kolo ukončíme 0:0. Niektorý hráči z RNT maju bohatú cheater historiu to dokazuje aj ban membra z RNT od anticheatu na treningu deň pred odohratím tejto CW.
Match #262 Opponent: SuN Date: 22.04.2023 Map: SF Airport Hitbox: SkinShot Server: Lineup of fSc: soFt, Crasherqoo, Hellboy Lineup of SuN: unlii, bubak
1st Round | fSc 30:27 SuN (soFt, Crasherqoo) vs (unlii, bubak) 2nd Round | fSc 26:30 SuN (soFt, Hellboy) vs (unlii, bubak) 3rd Round | fSc 30:28 SuN (Crasherqoo, Hellboy) vs (unlii, bubak)
Match #260 Opponent: AeF Date: 14.3.2023 Map: SF Airport Hitbox: SkinShot Server: Lineup of fSc: soFt, brock, Klaun Lineup of AeF: vodka, hAND
Dnes večer sme odohrali CW proti clanu AeF, V prvom kole sme síce supera trochu podcenili a prehrali sme o bod ale v dalšom kole sme to vyrovnali a v poslednom kole sme to s prehľadom otočili. Klanu dakujeme za vyrovnanú cw a tešíme sa na budúce. GG
Match #257 Opponent: SfG Date: 10.01.2023 Map: SF Airport Hitbox: Normal Skinshot Server: RSC Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, Korfeus, TheHellBoy, Pereira Lineup of SfG: reyos, provoicyl, hand