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Match #255

Match #255
Opponent: WyF
Date: 26.12.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Normal Skinshot
Server: RSC
Lineup of fSc: soFt, destiezk
Lineup of WyF: dio, shinn

1st Round | fSc 30:20 WyF (soFt, destiezk) vs (dio, shinn)
2nd Round | fSc 30:22 WyF (soFt, destiezk) vs (dio, shinn)
3rd Round | fSc 30:20 WyF (soFt, destiezk) vs (dio, shinn)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:62 [0] WyF
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

We are still legendary worldwide.

fsc je najlepsi.
Match #254

Match #254
Opponent: iR
Date: 21.12.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Normal Skinshot
Server: RSC
Lineup of fSc: Brock, TheHellBoy, Tomicak, soFt, destiezk
Lineup of iR: NoobNN, M3rfe

1st Round | fSc 26:30 iR (Brock, TheHellBoy) vs (NoobNN, M3rfe)
2nd Round | fSc 27:30 iR (Brock, Tomicak) vs (NoobNN, M3rfe)
3rd Round | fSc 30:20 iR (soFt, destiezk) vs (NoobNN, M3rfe)

Overall: fSc [1] 83:80 [2] iR
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

iR is a clan well known to us already, and some of their members have a certain reputation for cheating, which was very well seen today in the 1st and 2nd round. Its funny that after we asked them to install sampcac they started playing like shit and had no chance against our veterans that kicked their asses. Legendary cw. Cheating wont get you anywhere in 2023 scene, iR. gg

fSc je najlepsi.
Match #253

Match #253
Opponent: iR
Date: 17.12.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Normal Skinshot
Server: RSC
Lineup of fSc: Brock, NestriX, Tomicak, RaaaveN
Lineup of iR: NoobNN, Criminal, Reyos

1st Round | fSc 30:24 iR (NestriX, Brock) vs (NoobNN, Criminal)
2nd Round | fSc 30:24 iR (Tomicak, RaaaveN) vs (NoobNN, Criminal)
3rd Round | fSc 30:23 iR (Tomicak, Brock) vs (Reyos, NoobNN)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:71 [0] iR
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan


Match #252

Match #252
Opponent: WyF
Date: 10.12.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Normal Skinshot
Server: RSC
Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, Tomicak, NestriX
Lineup of WyF: dio, shinn, HooLiGaN

1st Round | fSc 30:26 WyF (Crasherqoo, soFt) vs (dio, shinn)
2nd Round | fSc 30:19 WyF (Crasherqoo, soFt) vs (dio, shinn)
3rd Round | fSc 29:30 WyF (Tomicak, NestriX) vs (dio, HooLiGaN)

Overall: fSc [2] 89:75 [1] WyF
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

An awaited match against this upcoming brazilian clan. We already had our doubts about the player "dio" from the past, and in this match he once again raised our suspicion. Anyways gg.

A new squad for Warzones 2.0
Hi! I would like to introduce you a new squad for a COD:MW2 game.
Our currently squad is built by these members:

- soFt
- Raaaven
- TheHellboy
- Bubak
- Eledin
- Mrsta
- Steffe

*If you are interested to join, contact me on discord (soFt#9166)*


Match #251

Match #251
Opponent: bTd
Date: 2.10. 2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: Nestrix, soFt, fikks, destiezk
Lineup of bTd: chain, spywar, vodka, stanleykuffie

1st Round | fSc 27:30 bTd (Nestrix, soFt, fikks) vs (chain, spywar, vodka)
2nd Round | fSc 30:28 bTd (Nestrix, brock, fikks) vs (stanleykuffie, spywar, vodka)
3rd Round | fSc 30:0 bTd (destiezk, fikks) vs (Dark, stanleykuffie )

Overall: fSc [2] 87:58 [1] bTd
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Hello, i'd like to point out at some pathetic clan which goes by the tag bTd which shamelessly embarasses the whole cw community with their pitiful actions, showing how scared they are by adding bullshit rules preventing me and Destiezk from playing because they think we're cheating, eventho we recorded / streamed and showed everything that we are not cheaters and never will be. You not able to accept that we're far more superior and better than you isn't our problem and you will keep getting spanked by us while you're ass up face down begging to stop and making miserable rules. Let's talk about how terrible the clan is as much as its founder Chain that has godlike features by not taking damage, he plays at 30 fps while the rule states 90-100 but you don't give a single fuck about "rules" now do you? Complete idiocy and retardation from this failure of a person. And don't let get me started with those cheating bozos like Stanley, Vodka, Every, adqo, etc, embarassing people putting the cw to shame with their crappy past and making drama, if i'd like to talk much about them it would take a whole page of how pathetic these people are and it won't be enough.

Match #250

Match #250
Opponent: RnT
Date: 2.10. 2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot V2
Lineup of fSc: soFt, Fikks, NesTriX
Lineup of RnT: Aezakmi, deventh

1st Round | fSc 30:28 RnT (soFt, Fikks) vs (Aezakmi, deventh)
2nd Round | fSc 30:28 RnT (NesTriX, Fikks) vs (Aezakmi, deventh)
3rd Round | fSc 30 :20 RnT (soFt, NesTriX) vs (Aezakmi, deventh)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:76 [0] RnT
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Match #249

Match #249
Opponent: WuTang
Date: 27.9. 2022
Map:SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: NesTriX, Brock, Fikks
Lineup of WuTang: Adqo, Nikes

1st Round | fSc 29:30 WuTang (NesTriX, Brock) vs (Adqo, Nikes)
2nd Round | fSc 30:28 WuTang (Fikks, Brock) vs (Adqo, Nikes)
3rd Round | fSc 30:29 WuTang (Fikks, Brock) vs (Adqo, Nikes)

Overall: fSc [2] 89:87 [1] WuTang
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Later today CW took place against the WuTang clan, thanks to the clan for a very balanced and exciting game throughout the match and especially thanks to the player Fikks for his incredible performances. ❤️

Dnes v pozdějších hodinách proběhla CW proti klanu WuTang, klanu děkujeme za velmi vyrovnanou a napínavou hru po celý zápas a hlavně děkujeme hráči Fikks za jeho neuvěřitelné výkony. ❤️
Match #248

Match #248
Opponent: RNT
Date: 18.09.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, brock, Fikks, NesTriX, Tony
Lineup of RNT: aezakmi, deventh

1st Round | fSc 29:30 RNT (soFt, Tony) vs (aezakmi, deventh)
2nd Round | fSc 30:22 RNT (Crasherqoo, FikKs) vs (aezakmi, deventh)
3rd Round | fSc 30:26 RNT (brock, NesTriX) vs (aezakmi, deventh)

Overall: fSc [2] 89:78 [1] RNT
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

CW with RNT ended with a win, after a "strange" first round we won't comment on, Crasher and fikKs were able to secure some good points in the second round and Nestrix and brock finished the job. GG!

Match #247

Match #247
Opponent: NG
Date: 18.09.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: brock, Tony, FikKs, Crasherqoo
Lineup of NG: Hurricane, Pavel_Shampanov

1st Round | fSc 30:27 NG (brock, FikKs) vs (Hurricane, Pavel_Shampanov)
2nd Round | fSc 29:30 NG (Crasherqoo, Tony) vs (Hurricane, Pavel_Shampanov)
3rd Round | fSc 30:27 NG (Crasherqoo, Tony) vs (Hurricane, Pavel_Shampanov)

Overall: fSc [2] 89:84 [1] NG
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Odveta proti ruskému clanu NG dopadla opäť výhrou pre fSc. V druhom kole sme supera trochu podcenili ale clanwar sme nakoniec s prehľadom vyhrali.
Match #246

Match #246
Opponent: DoA
Date: 17.09.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, brock, Fikks
Lineup of DoA: Rey, Tadexyyyk

1st Round | fSc 30:10 DoA (Crasherqoo, brock) vs (Rey, Tadexyyyk)
2nd Round | fSc 30:19 DoA (soFt, Fikks) vs (Rey, Tadexyyyk)
3rd Round | fSc 30:18 DoA (soFt, brock) vs (Rey, Tadexyyyk)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:47 [0] DoA
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Good clanwar without problems GG

Dobrá clanwar bez problemov GG
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06-07-2024 00:09

18-05-2024 08:23
Hi guys! god

04-05-2024 20:50
god im back

19-04-2024 18:38
see you again

06-04-2024 19:25
tewe buzi