[fSc] Firing Squad Clan - CW/TG | AC | Skinshot |
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Lost: 38
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Match #245

Match #245
Opponent: SuS - Sawners Universite School
Date: 02.08.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: destiezk, Tweak
Lineup of SuS: deventh, noobN, dabor

1st Round | fSc 30:23 SuS (destiezk, Tweak) vs (noobN, deventh)
2nd Round | fSc 30:20 SuS (destiezk, Tweak) vs (noobN, deventh)
3rd Round | fSc 30:19 SuS (destiezk, Tweak) vs (noobN, dabor)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:62 [0] SuS
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

We just finished a clanwar against this clan as well as we finished any kind of "beef" that was behind it. It was clear that these guys are lost in the clanwar system and rules itself during the cw, meaning they have a lot to learn. Anyways good luck learning, GG.

Match #244

Match #244
Opponent: bD
Date: 01.08.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: tweak, destiezk
Lineup of bD: yami, asta

1st Round | fSc 30:09 bD (tweak, destiezk) vs (yami, asta)
2nd Round | fSc 30:00 bD (tweak, destiezk) vs (-, -)
3rd Round | fSc 30:00 bD (tweak, destiezk) vs (-, -)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:9 [0] bD
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

bD leaved after first round.

Clan bD sa odpojil po prvom kole.
What's up?

Dear everyone, long time no see.

I haven't written anything here for so long, mostly because of our activity on UIF.
As you guys know, many of us have stepped away from the Clanwar scene and/or have completely stopped playing SA-MP.
Nonetheless, time has come to make an announcement about our current state.

I can say I'm very proud of Tomicak because how he leads the squad; keep going brother!
Thank you for organizing clanwars whenever you can, you're a huge help.
I hope you enjoy your rank, keep in mind, if anything you can contact us at anytime if you wish to get our help.
I can say the same about our Gang Leaders. I'm very proud of everyone leading it, you guys are doing a great job.
I can't thank you enough that you help us organizing and keeping things up-to-date, you all deserve your ranks!

Lastly, I don't know everyone who lately joined the gang.
However, I'll list some of whom I know, please, allow me to welcome y'all here:
and others who recently joined

Have fun here guys, welcome, and thank you for participating in our community!
Match #243

Match #243
Opponent: SuS
Date: 11.07.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: brock, NesTrix, Tomicak
Lineup of SuS: noobn, jess, criminal

1st Round | fSc 30:29 SuS (brock, NesTrix) vs (noobn, criminal)
2nd Round | fSc 30:22 SuS (NesTrix, Tomicak) vs (noobn, jess)
3rd Round | fSc 30:18 SuS (NesTrix, Tomicak) vs (noobn, chain)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:69 [0] SuS
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Odveta proti clanu SuS ktorá dopadla znova vyhrou pre nás GL a GG
Match #242

Match #242
Opponent: SuS
Date: 5.7. 2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: NesTriX, Brock, Tony
Lineup of SuS: Aezakmi, Zaki, Jess

1st Round | fSc 30:23 SuS (NesTriX, Brock) vs (Zaki, Aezakmi)
2nd Round | fSc 30:27 SuS (NesTriX, Brock) vs (Zaki, Jess)
3rd Round | fSc 30:20 SuS (NesTriX, Brock, Tony) vs (Zaki, Aezakmi, Jess)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:70 [0] SuS
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Today took place CW after months, which ran fine and we won. ggs

Dnes večer proběhla CW po delší době, která probíhala naprosto v pořádku a dopadla výhrou pro nás. ggs

Gameplay by Tony
Match #241

Match #241
Opponent: dF
Date: 11.5.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: Destiezk, Tomicak, NesTriX
Lineup of dF: Enjoy, tokyo

1st Round | fSc 30:22 dF (Destiezk, Tomicak) vs (Enjoy, tokyo)
2nd Round | fSc 30:21 dF (Destiezk, Tomicak) vs (Enjoy, tokyo)
3rd Round | fSc 30:24 dF (Destiezk, NesTriX) vs (Enjoy, tokyo)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:67 [0] dF
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Tonight, the CW took place against the Russian dF clan, everything went smoothly. Thanks for the CW.

Dnes večer proběhla CW proti ruskému klanu dF, proběhlo vše bez problémů. Děkujeme za CW.
Match #240

Match #240
Opponent: SfG
Date: 04.05.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: SkinShot
Lineup of fSc: Tony, Leo, NesTrix, brock
Lineup of SfG: rey, zaki

1st Round | fSc 30:20 SfG (Tony, Leo) vs (rey, zaki)
2nd Round | fSc 26:30 SfG (NesTriX, brock) vs (rey, zaki)
3rd Round | fSc 30:23 SfG (NesTriX, brock) vs (rey, zaki)

Overall: fSc [2] 86:73 [1] SfG
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Last minute agreed clanwar won for fSc. Everything went smoothly except for a little bigger lag for the player zaki. GG

Narychlo vybavená clanwar dopadla výhrou pre fSc, všetko išlo hladko až na trochu väčšie lagy u hráča zaki. GG
Match #239

Match #239
Opponent: BaS
Date: 11.4. 2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: dtoke, brock, Tomicak, Tony
Lineup of BaS: dontmad, zala

1st Round | fSc 30:24 BaS (dtoke, brock) vs (dontmad, zala)
2nd Round | fSc 30:17 BaS (Tony, Tomicak) vs (dontmad, zala)
3rd Round | fSc 30:15 BaS (Tony, Tomicak) vs (dontmad, zala)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:56 [0] BaS
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

The match was scheduled quickly, yet there was no problem during the game. GGs

Zápas byl sice naplánován velmi narychlo, ale i tak šlo všechno hladce. GGs
Match #238

Match #238
Opponent: OWs
Date: 08.04.2022
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: Trony, Tony, dtoke, Pereira, Tomicak, brock
Lineup of OWs: Bulova, Epico, Paletoide

1st Round | fSc 30:17 OWs (Tomicak, dtoke, brock) vs (Bulova, Epico, Paletoide)
2nd Round | fSc 30:17 OWs (Tomicak, Tony, Trony) vs (Bulova, Epico, Paletoide)
3rd Round | fSc 30:25 OWs (Pereira, Tony, Trony) vs (Bulova, Epico, Paletoide)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:59 [0] OWs
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

First clanwar against OWs clan, the 3 rounds were dominated by our team, our skills and the good handling gave us the victory

Tomicak's Promotion
Dear everyone, we would love to congratulate Tomicak for becoming our new Squad Leader (Run).
Good luck brother, enjoy!
Hierarchy changes

Hello everyone,

I'm writing this message to announce that Pereira and soFt are our new Clan Leaders from now on because of the endless hard work which they've been pulling off ever since they are with us.

Also, let's thank TweaK and destiezk for EVERYTHING that they have done for the clan since it's back on track.

TweaK decided to move on with his life, hence why he's one of the Retired Founders now. destiezk is not retiring yet but with a little agreement with eMiLioo, he's also more than fit to become one of the Founders because of his and TweaK's hard work for the clan.

Without you guys, this place would be dead. Congratulations!
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06-07-2024 00:09

18-05-2024 08:23
Hi guys! god

04-05-2024 20:50
god im back

19-04-2024 18:38
see you again

06-04-2024 19:25
tewe buzi