[fSc] Firing Squad Clan - CW/TG | AC | Skinshot |
[fSc] Firing Squad Clan - A/D | Lagshot |
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Match #205
Match #205

Opponent: FoL - Fuck Off Lams
Date: 17.07.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: destiezk, Crasherqoo, Yuchi
Lineup of FoL: MK, Nixo, Hws

1st Round | fSc 30:28 FoL (destiezk, Crasherqoo, Yuchi) vs (MK, Nixo, Hws)
2nd Round | fSc 30:24 FoL (destiezk, Crasherqoo, Yuchi) vs (MK, Nixo, Hws)
3rd Round | fSc 26:30 FoL (destiezk, Crasherqoo, Yuchi) vs (MK, Nixo, Hws)

Overall: fSc [2] 86:82 [1] FoL
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Good game.

Dobrá hra.
Match #204
Match #204

Opponent: SfG - Sawners for GTA
Date: 06.07.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: destiezk, soFt
Lineup of SfG: wedix, Reyos

1st Round | fSc 30:19 SfG (destiezk, soFt) vs (wedix, Reyos)
2nd Round | fSc 30:14 SfG (destiezk, soFt) vs (wedix, Reyos)

Overall: fSc [3] 60:33 [0] SfG
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Top Damage: [fSc]soFt: Damage: 2185.00
Top Ratio: fSc_destiezk: Kills: 28 | Deaths: 13 | TeamKills: 00 | Ratio: 2.15
Best Efficiency: [fSc]soFt: Damage: 2185.00 | Injuries: 943.79 | Efficiency: 2.31
Best Accuracy: [fSc]soFt: Accuracy: 68.28

Nothing to say, good game.

Nic říci, dobrá hra.
Match #203
Match #203

Opponent: FoL - Fuck Off Lams
Date: 05.07.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinshot
Lineup of fSc: destiezk, ZeMb
Lineup of FoL: Nixo, acid

1st Round | fSc 30:27 FoL (destiezk, ZeMb) vs (Nixo, acid)
2nd Round | fSc 30:27 FoL (destiezk, ZeMb) vs (Nixo, acid)
3rd Round | fSc 30:18 FoL (destiezk, ZeMb) vs (Nixo, acid)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:72 [0] FoL
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Nothing to say, good game.

Nic říci, dobrá hra.
It's been 8 years
It's been 8 years.

It's been 8 years (and 9 days, bit late now) since I and emilioo decided to leave our clans in order to make this clan, team, community happen. A lot has happened since then but we are somehow still in the scene. This clan had seen worse days than our current activity that's sure. For the recent 7 months, I would like to thank destiezk and TweaK for their endless effort in order to put the last competitive SA:MP clan with a Hungarian origin back to the map. Next to the big ones.

Have a pleasant summer boys, we are having a big rest as stated in the post below.
The end of fSc
Nah, just kidding.
As you can see fSc is inactive now during the summer, we have bigger things to do than playing SA-MP.
Do not think that we will quit from SA-MP scene, that is not going to happen.
We still love our haters, enjoy summer boys!
Crasherqoo's promotion
Dear everyone, long time no see.
We would love to congratulate Crasherqoo for becoming our second Assistant Squad Leader.
Good luck brother, enjoy!
Match #201
Match #201

Opponent: bTd - Bring Them Dead
Date: 06.05.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Lagshot
Lineup of fSc: destiezk, soFt, TweaK
Lineup of bTd: Meny, App, Eter, vodka

1st Round | fSc 30:22 bTd (TweaK, soFt, destiezk) vs (App, Eter, Meny)
2nd Round | fSc 30:26 bTd (TweaK, soFt, destiezk) vs (Eter, Meny, Vodka)
3rd Round | fSc 30:24 bTd (TweaK, soFt, destiezk) vs (Eter, Meny, Vodka)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:72 [0] bTd
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Screenshots in Read More.

Another clan-war played against bTd, we kind of had huge expectations about this cw, we thought there will be no trashtalk at all, just a friendly match since we are inactive.
Unfortunately, the match didn't go as we expected. We started leading with some points, and it was clear to us that they think we are cheating. What a surprise, we have gone through this a lot, and we do not really care.It is funny how they stated we are amateurs, when Eter begged destiezk to join uGT, and destiezk showed an insane power on lagshot and on skinshot as well in uGT. Let's not forget about soFt, Dzou, and everyone else who is in fSc was in uGT as well, and they were not amateurs at that time for them. We loved to see that bTd claimed they do not care if they lose, but they still kept crying and gradually started crying more and more. Let's not forget the thing as well, that this was not even our main lagshot lineup, soFt did not play lagshot for ages, and both TweaK and destiezk is inactive for more than 2 months. Honestly, we think that you thought we are going to be an easy opponent now due to we are inactive, we are sorry to disappoint you. Furthermore, sorry for using this again, but let's not forget who asked to play the clanwars, and that bTd exactly knew TweaK is in the clan.We love to see day-to-day that even when we go inactive, players they still think we are cheating.Otherwise, thank you for this clanwar, we would love to face you again finally for a more calm clanwar in the future.

Další zahraná klanová válka proti bTd, měli jsme hodně očekávání ohledně této cw, mysleli jsme si, že nebude žádný trashtalk, prostě přátelská hra když jsme neaktivní.
Bohužel, zápas nešel podle našich představ. Začali jsme vyhrávat o několik bodů a bylo nám jasné, že si myslí, že cheatujeme. Jaké to překvapení, hodněkrát jsme si tím už prošli a upřímně nám je tohle už jedno.
Je to vtipný jak nám začali psát , že jsme amatéři, když Eter prosil destiezka aby se mohl připojit do uGT a destiezk ukázal obrovskou sílu jak na lagshotu, tak na skinshotu za uGT. Nezapomeňme na soFta, Dzoua a všechny ostatní kteří jsou v fSc, že byli taky v uGT a to pro ně amatéři nebyli. Rádi jsme viděli, jak bTd psalo, že je jim jedno, jestli prohrají, ale stále plakali a postupně začali brečet víc a víc. Nezapomeňme také na to, že to nebyla ani naše hlavní sestava pro lagshot. soFt nehrál lagshot celé dekády, a TweaK a destiezk jsou inactive více jak 2 měsíce. Upřímně si myslíme, že nyní budeme snadným protivníkem, protože jsme neaktivní, je nám líto vás zklamat. Kromě toho, se omlovám, že tohle musím opět psát, ale nezapomeňme kdo chtěl cw a to bTd přesně vědělo, že TweaK je v klanu. Těsí nás vidět den co den, že i přes naší neaktivitu si něktěří stále myslí, že podvádíme. Jinak díky za clanwar, rádi se vám postavíme znovu snad už za klidnějších podmínek v budoucnu.

Gameplay by destiezk
Match #200
Match #200

Opponent: uS - Ultimate Skillers
Date: 02.05.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinhit
Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, destiezk, ZeMb
Lineup of uS: broxi, bOrN, AMOG, JcKb, Stanley

1st Round | fSc 30:22 uS (Crasherqoo, soFt, destiezk) vs (JcKb, AMOG, bOrN)
2nd Round | fSc 30:23 uS (Crasherqoo, soFt, destiezk) vs (JcKb, AMOG, bOrN)
3rd Round | fSc 30:23 uS (Crasherqoo, ZeMb, Destiezk) vs (AMOG, Stanley, bOrN)

Overall: fSc [3] 90:68 [0] uS
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Top Damage: fSc_Crasherqoo: Damage: 3464.99
Top Ratio: fSc_destiezk: Kills: 36 | Deaths: 24 | TeamKills: 01 | Ratio: 1.50
Best Efficiency: [fSc_ZeMb]: Damage: 1062.59 | Injuries: 696.29 | Efficiency: 1.52
Best Accuracy: uS]bOrN: Accuracy: 82.31


Another well played cw against uS, which went quite fine. If you continue like this, you will improve a lot in the future. Good luck for other games.

Další zahraná cw proti uS, která pro nás dopadla dobře. Pokud budete takhle pokračovat, tak se hodně zlepšíte. Hodně štěstí v dalších hrách.

Gameplay by soFt & destiezk

Match #199
Match #199

Opponent: bTd - Bring Them Dead
Date: 29.04.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinhit
Lineup of fSc: Crasherqoo, soFt, Tomicak, destiezk, ZeMb
Lineup of bTd: Chain, Meny, lolmouse

1st Round | fSc 30:18 bTd (Crasherqoo, soFt, destiezk) vs (Chain, Meny, lolmouse)
2nd Round | fSc 30:22 bTd (Crasherqoo, soFt, destiezk) vs (Chain, Meny, lolmouse)
3rd Round | fSc 21:30 bTd (Tomicak, Zemb, destiezk) vs (Chain, Meny, lolmouse)

Overall: fSc [2] 81:70 [1] bTd
Winner: fSc - Firing Squad Clan

Top Damage: fSc_destiezk: Damage: 2436.05
Top Ratio: [b7d]meny_: Kills: 16 | Deaths: 09 | TeamKills: 00 | Ratio: 1.77
Best Efficiency: [b7d]meny_: Damage: 1163.00 | Injuries: 811.79 | Efficiency: 1.43
Best Accuracy: [fSc]soFt: Accuracy: 89.71
Our current statistics with bTd: fSc 5 - 0 bTd
Náš momentální stav s bTd: fSc 5 - 0 bTd


A clanwar played against bTd went with some complications. Chain forgot to message me that they don't have a lineup for today, but then we agreed on to play, and he got 3 members to play. We thank bTd clan for playing with us even like this and we hope we will play a better clanwar in the future.

Clanwar proti bTd proběhla s nějakými komplikacemi. Chain mi zapomněl napsat, že na dnešek nemají lineup ale nakonec sehnal 3 členy. Děkujeme bTd že nakonec hráli a přejeme hodně štěstí do budoucna.

Gameplay by soFt
Match #198
Match #198

Opponent: eWo - Eyes Wide Open
Date: 25.04.2021
Map: SF Airport
Hitbox: Skinhit
Lineup of fSc: TweaK, Tomicak, ZeMb, destiezk
Lineup of eWo: homerun, Korfik, GettMaaz

1st Round | fSc 22:30 eWo (destiezk, TweaK, Tomicak) vs (homerun, GettMaaz, Korfik)
2nd Round | fSc 30:26 eWo (destiezk, TweaK, ZeMb) vs (homerun, GettMaaz, Korfik)
3rd Round | fSc 30:28 eWo (destiezk, TweaK, ZeMb) vs (homerun, GettMaaz, Korfik)

Overall: fSc [2] 82:84 [1] eWo
Winner: eWo - Eyes Wide Open

Top Damage: fSc_destiezk: Damage: 4214.59
Top Ratio: fSc_destiezk: Kills: 41 | Deaths: 29 | TeamKills: 01 | Ratio: 1.41
Best Efficiency: fSc_destiezk: Damage: 4214.59 | Injuries: 3177.89 | Efficiency: 1.32
Best Accuracy: ewo.kosvi: Accuracy: 51.86


First of all, good game. We are just happy that it was eWo who defeated us, showing that we are not undefeatable. It was a really good game, finally we had a really hard clanwar after a long time, but we must admit the first round was horrible on our side, we coompletely fucked up our teamplay, but the other thing is that we are inactive, but we are not here for excuses. We congratulate eWo and a lot of success in the future, partners!

Zaprvé, good game. Jsme rádi, že byli eWo ti, kteří nás porazili. Ukázali, že opravdu nejsme neporazitelní. Byla to velmi dobrá, konečně těžká clanwar. Musíme uznat, že první kolo jsme totálně posrali ze strany našeho teamplaye, na druhou stranu jsme taky inactive. Pro výmluvy tady ale nejsme, gratulujeme eWo a přejeme, partneři hodně úspěchu do budoucna.
Some news

Hello everyone,
We are glad to announce that Tomicak has successfully been accepted, we wish you a good time here with us. Tomicak is provided with three months of recruit, after it he will be an official Squad Member.

Furthermore, our recruitment is temporarily closed right now due to the amount of our members. No one will be able to be accepted.

Have a nice day and see you soon.

S radostí Vám oznamujeme, že byl Tomicak úspěšně přijat, přejeme mu u nás hodně štěstí a zábavy. Na tři měsíce se teď stane rekrutem, až potom bude oficiální Squad Member.

Také se tímto dočasně uzavírá nabírání členů do klanu kvůli množství členů.

Přeji hezký den, brzy se uvidíme.
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19-04-2024 18:38
see you again

06-04-2024 19:25
tewe buzi

29-03-2024 06:56

24-03-2024 08:31

23-03-2024 08:30