Hello everyone,staff and member, Probably most of the members around here know me. I'm DH1, member of this team and I want to join it because many DH1 members using fSc tag so I decide to joined this I'm interested to joined this and im so excited to use this tag alots of fSc are skilled I've been recently got accepted in DH1 from 3 days
and I'm happy to seeing this fSc alot of pro member here and I wanted to become as member here and now I would like to play this fSc with other people, not alone like I did in the past. I enjoy teamworking and I belive fSc is the perfect for me, it has everything needed; loyal, respectful and active people, a cool tag with cool members and stuff but most importantly the best sawners/deaglers organizers in the history of UIF I'm looking forward for the fSc tag and hopefully become a full-time member of this Firing squad member organization.
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damn.. its been a long time.. how u guys doin? look like u guys deleted my name in member section, its okay haha i know i'm not doing so well.. in the clan before..